Friday, September 12, 2008


Its birth season!!! There 3 babies so far born in my group, and they are in that half way too cute and half ugly stage. Interestingly and as expected, the three females who have had babies so far are 3 who’s infants died last year. They were able to go into estrus earlier than the other females who were probably still lactating, some Life History Theory for ya.

Besides these two pieces of exciting news, not too much has changed in Punta Santiago. Pandora, my doggy has learned some new tricks. There’s been a kitten living inside the stairs but not inside the patio gate to my house, being whiny as hell and making both the dogs bark at her all day, that’s been annoying.

I do have a place in my heart for this small town that I live in. A few weeks ago when I went on a weekend excursion with Grace, Matt, and J.P. I learned a lot about the countryside of PR, mostly that there are many many small dilapidated towns. One part of “dilapidated” that I can put into words is that there are usually buildings painted many different colors, but all of them fading because of the intense heat and sun. It gives the towns a feeling like they’ve stood still for many, many years, and brings me to understand Garcia Marquez books to an even more extreme degree than I already do.

After driving through many small towns in many a beautiful countryside, it was nice to return home to Punta Santiago, MY dilapidated Puerto Rican town.

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